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Prenatal Massage​

Prenatal massage uses a combination of calming Swedish massage, deep tissue work, gentle range of motion and stretching, lymph drainage, reflexology and abdominal massage.  Each prenatal massage is completely customized to what the mother needs or wants during each session as the body is continually changing throughout pregnancy. Marya is trained in precautions/contraindications, and will refer to the mother’s healthcare provider when necessary.


Regular Massage throughout your pregnancy is completely safe (unless otherwise indicated by your doctor) and can be incredibly beneficial. 


Massage during pregnancy and labor can decrease complications during delivery, result in shorter labor times for mothers, shorter hospital stays, and fewer postnatal complications for the new-born and reduce postpartum depression. Studies indicate that the fetus can sense and respond to their mother’s stress levels as registered by her increased heartbeat. Therefore some women choose to incorporate elements of massage during childbirth to cope with labor and delivery.



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